
House in Tarumi


敷地は神戸の傾斜地に位置する典型的なひな壇造成地。削られてしまった斜面を今一度回復する、 地形を復元するような空間構成とし、採光や通風といった自然環境を無理なく享受し、周囲にも受けながす建築であること、 また元々の斜面を復元するような建築の表皮がそのまま内部と連続する豊かな外部空間として機能し、 内外を行き来しながら、文字通り斜面に住むことができる建築を目指した。

上下階で構造がずれる計画をうまく調停するものとして、アーチの積層による壁を考案し、ピラミッド状に力を上から下に受けながすこととした。 手前から奥に向けて変化する空間構成に応じて変容する、まるでロマネスクのファサードのような壁をつないでゆくことにより、 力学に逆らわず、しかしながら自由な空間のスタッキングを可能とする建築に結実したのではないかと考えている。

The site is located in a typically developed area along the slopes of Kobe. The slope was scraped off, but the terrain still shows that character.
Since the geographical condition has decided factors like wind direction, abundant sunlight, and vegetation, we thought it is important to conceive an architecture that receives and enjoys the natural environment such as daylighting and ventilation, and also give good effect to the ambience by making it a space composition close to the terrain.

Moreover, we thought about how human beings will inhabit this architecture; which restores the environment with the slope including the surroundings. Hence, we aimed at a space where the client could literally “live on the slope”, where the inside harmoniously continues with the outside, while moving back and forth between the two.

In order to make these two elements compatible, we were faced with the issue of how to freely arrange the space across the floor, how to arbitrate the shift of the upper and lower floor.

We decided to lay down walls laminated with arches that successfully organizes the plan of shifting the structure between the upper and lower level, by receiving the force from above in a pyramidal shape.

Accordingly, the space composition changes from the front to the back, by connecting the walls like a Romanesque façade. This makes the architecture not resist the dynamics, but allow free space stacking.

Through the conception and practice of this architecture, we hope to show an example of a way to adopt the terrain with slopes and to embody the richness of living in slopes obediently.


